BC-50 Red Counterstain

BC-50 Red Counterstain

The BC-50 Red Counterstain was developed for use when performing in situ DNA/RNA hybridization techniques using the binary chromogen Bromochloroindol phosphate/Nitro blue tetrazolium. Since this chromogen produces a blue stain in the positive areas, a red counterstain optimizes contrast between signal and counterstained areas. This new counterstain will produce a general red stain in cells and tissues which allows proper morphological orientation in specimens stained with this system. The BC-50 Red Counterstain should only be mounted with Situ/Mount, a product specifically designed for this application.

This counterstain was developed for use when performing in situ DNA/RNA hybridization techniques using BCIP/INT, which produces a blue stain in the positive areas. The BC-50 red counterstain optimizes contrast between signal and counterstain. When using this counterstain, mount slides with Situ/Mount.

Store at room temperature.

Procedure: 1. Following the use of BCIP/NBT chromogen, wash tissue sections once with 1X Automation Buffer and once with distilled water.

2. Remove the excess of water from slides and treat the tissue sections with BC-50 Red Counterstain.

3. Incubate for 3 minutes or longer if deeper red color is desired.

4. Remove the counterstain and rinse slide with distilled water three times.

5. Remove the excess liquid, and while still humid, cover the tissue sections with 2-4 drops of Situ/Mount and spread the mounting medium over the area occupied by the tissue.

6. Place the slides in an oven at 70°C for 15 minutes or until the mounting medium dries or polymerizes completely.

At this point the specimens are ready for microscopical observation.
For Research Use Only.
Do not use any other mounting medium with BC-50 Red Counterstain.