10X Probe Wash
10X Probe Wash
Washing buffer for in situ DNA hybridization, we recommend using 5X solution.
The 10X Probe Wash is a concentrated formulation of a rinsing buffer for use when doing in situ DNA hybridization in the Code-On automated molecular pathology stainer, as well as for manual applications. It was developed in collaboration with Dr. David J. Brigati, Director of the Automated Molecular Pathology Center at the University of Oklahoma.* This wash buffer is recommended for rinsing the slides after the hybridization step when doing in situ hybridization procedures.
For use with UltraProbe Basic kits designed for in situ hybridization procedures.
Store at room temperature.
Preparation of 5X Working Probe Wash Solution: To 250 ml of distilled or deionized water, add the entire content of the bottle containing the 10X Probe Wash. If reduced amounts of the working buffer are to be prepared, dilute the 10X Probe Wash in distilled or deionized water at the rate of 1 volume of Probe Wash to one volume of distilled or deionized water and mix well. Save this diluted buffer at room temperature.
Do not use beyond the date stated on the label.
Use of 5X Probe Wash Solution: For Capillary Gap Method:
1. Dip the slide in 5X Probe Wash for 6 seconds at 37°C.
2. Pad blot the slides for 1 min.
3. Repeat the above procedure twice.
4. Proceed with the in situ protocol.
For Conventional Horizontal Method:
1. Wash the slides in 2 changes of 5X Probe Wash.
2. Proceed with the in situ protocol.
WARNING: This Probe Wash does not contain any know hazardous or toxic substances. However, since Probe Wash is a laboratory reagent, we advise that it be handled following good laboratory practices. As part of safety procedures, avoid all unnecessary exposure to Probe Wash and ensure prompt removal from skin and clothing. Do not drink or use near food. Keep away from children.
1. Montone, K.T., Brigati, D.J. and Budgeon, L.R. (1989). Anatomic Viral Detection is Automated: The Application of a Robotic Molecular Pathology System for the Detection of DNA Viruses in Anatomic Pathology Substrates, Using Immunochemicals and Nucleic Acid Hybridization Techniques. The Yale J. Biol. Med. 62: 141-158.